The Gourd project
Truly Sustainable Cups Are Finally Here.
We are in an urgent need to shift our current cradle-to-grave paradigm. Take-away cups and packaging are a standard of everyday life but they produce an incredible amount of waste that ends up in landfills and contaminates our precious waterways and landscapes. What if aside from being a material resource, nature could also provide a solution for this worldwide issue? Learn more.

The Gourd project
Cups For The Future
For the last few years, CRÈME / Jun Aizaki Architecture & Design has been exploring a way to bypass this waste cycle through a biodegradable molded gourd. We call it “The Gourd Project”. Along the exploration that this thought intitiated, CRÈME identified gourds as a fast growing plant that bears robust fruits each season, developing a strong outer skin, and fibery inner flesh. Once dried, gourds have traditionally been used by ancestors as receptacles like cups. CRÈME explored this centuries-old craft, using molds to grow gourds into functional shapes, such as cups and flasks to create sustainable, renewable, and compostable products without waste. Learn more.
The Gourd project
The Gourd Cup
The Gourd project
The Gourd Flask
The GOurd project
& Press
We are already communicating and delivering the idea of The Gourd Project to the end user, through the 100+ press hits they have received, including features in Dezeen, FastCompany and NowThis News. The industry is acknowledging CRÈME and The Gourd Project as a valuable solution for the ever growing issue of waste and creating a successful sustainable solution by reducing the environmental impact of plastic. Learn more.